Campership Assistance Program “CAP”

Faith formed. Memories made. God glorified.

If having your camper participate in a Camp Swatara programmatic experience is a financial hardship, our CAP is available for qualifying families. Additionally, many churches aid their campers in attending Camp programs. Have you asked your church whether financial aid opportunities are available to send campers to Camp Swatara?

Here at Camp Swatara, our mission is that we provide opportunities in the natural setting for people of all ages to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ so that they may live their lives in total discipleship for Him. Our CAP is established to help facilitate this vital mission.

CAP offers resources to regional families with campers registered for resident camp, unable to afford the full cost of a Camp session. Camperships are limited and are distributed on a first come, first served basis. Rarely are Camperships awarded for the full cost of a session.

In order to qualify for CAP, you must fall within one of the following categories and provide the indicated paperwork with the application:

  1. You work at least 20-hours per week and your household income is 200% or below the Federal Poverty Income Level. Please submit your past four paystubs.

  2. You are a student and attend class at least 5 hours per day. You must submit a current class schedule for the summer semester and monthly income statements.

  3. You are medically incapable of caring for your child. You must submit a letter from your physician stating the reasons you cannot care for the child and monthly income statements.

If more than one parent/guardian reside in the household, both need to fall into one of the categories listed above.

Financial Information

Please itemize your monthly, pre-tax income and selected expenses. Please send above and below paperwork to Camp Swatara at 2905 Camp Swatara Road, Bethel PA 19507 or - Attn Campership

Monthly Expense



Medical expenses (explain)

Detail special circumstances

Total Expenses

Monthly Income

Gross wages, salary, tips

Unemployment compensation

Social security

Child Support

Food Stamps Retirement income (not SS)

Other income (alimony, interest, etc.)

Total Income

“When applying for CAP, it is important for Camp Swatara to know if you are currently receiving or if you may be eligible for any other type of financial aid for child care or camp. If you are eligible for support from the state, through Child Care Works, it may save you money and may facilitate us assigning funds to other families who are not beneficiaries of these resources.”