Urgent Message Regarding COVID-19 - 4/28/020

Updated on April 29th, 2020

Greetings friends of Camp Swatara.  On behalf of the Staff and Board of Directors, please know that we continue thinking of and remembering you and your family.  Thank you for your continued prayer and care for the ministry of Camp Swatara, your encouragement during this season is strengthening!

 With the updates over the weekend and as recent as Monday, April 27th, the national guidelines and State ‘stay at home order’, Camp Swatara will remain closed, effective May 1st, 2020 until May 15th, 2020, to be reviewed prior to that date for details informing future updates regarding our operations.

 The Family Campground (FCC) will also remain closed through May 14th, 2020 with a tentative date to open of Friday, May 15th, 2020, to be reviewed by May 8th for details informing future updates regarding our operations.  Please watch for updates about previously released events that will be changing on our calendar.  At this time, our program and retreats remain closed with an updated announcement due out in one week.

 Regarding the 04/27/2020 announcement to open “private campgrounds” effective 05/01/2020:

1.     We understand and also appreciate our Camp Swatara family and friends’ desire to “get out there” after this extended period of being home.  We miss you and want to host you here!  We are working as diligently as we can to open with our guest’s best interests in mind.

2.     We are choosing to hold to our previously announced timeline (Closed until 05/15/2020) because there are state guidelines in place that will affect operations.  It is important to state that Camp Swatara will not look like last year’s Camp Swatara.  Things like masks, social distancing, and group sizes all weigh into operations from our staffing to what we believe we can safely offer our guests.

3.     As we observe the State’s decision during this time, please note that they have opted to keep their campgrounds and RV parks closed.  Without knowing the full-scope of “why”, we can certainly relate with purposing to have processes and plans in place for operations.

4.     Please stay updated on our web-site and social media as we are preparing our next public announcement of what to expect for each arm of our ministry at Family Camp, Summer Camp, and Retreats.

 We look forward to seeing you and serving you soon!

Remember and mediate with us in Job 19:25 –

As for me, I know that my redeemer lives, and at last He will take His stand on the earth.

 May the Lord Bless and Keep You –

Tim Courtright, Executive Director, Camp Swatara